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My dream is for this site to be a place of discussing ideas and of supporting educators, especially newbies. Also I envision its being a place of refuge where you can lick your wounds or beat your own drum with a great idea you want to share

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

It's so true

Where have all of the pronouns gone???? The typical conversations today are peppered with "him and I went..." "me and John went..." You get the picture? Or perhaps you don't. I think our laziness in other areas has drifted into our speech and even worse to our writing. I used to hear "him and I" but the students usually wrote with some degree of correctness; now, however, it's as if no one has the slightest idea of the difference between nominative and objective case--I know this makes me sound old but how is it acceptable to speak so slovenly; we wouldn't accept this in math. If it was easier to say one + one is four, would we just say all right???


  1. Being from a different generation, I think I understand and almost accept the poor speech when just being casual. My biggest distress as a teacher right now is that the students don't even recognize the issues in their writing. When I circle 8,000 times "u" "2" "b4" and others in their essay, they don't understand why it's a problem. I would expect them to laugh and go "oops" recognizing that they used texting lingo instead of real words...but they just sit baffled wondering why their usage and mechanics score is low on their essay.

    How do we fix that?

  2. Wow. People actually use "b4" and "u" on papers to be graded? That is sad.
